• Welcome!

    Welcome to Urban Graphics. We are the cheapest GFX yet!. No we Are not free but we do try to keep are prices as low as possible!. I am the owner of Urban Graphics and at Urban Graphics if we will do what ever it takes so the customer is pleased even if it means telling them to go to a different shop for a better graphic type :D.

  • play

Customer Serivce !

Has your order been skipped or still isn’t done after 2 weeks or you just weren’t Happy with your graphic. This is the Place to come comment fill out the form bellow and then we can contact you by email or on chat.

NOTE: All Silly or retarded complaints are ignored and deleted

Side note: Refunds are only if the graphic wasnt met average skills if not then we will refund you full and you get 2 free graphics!


Remeber to check your email daily. If the payment was in days there is no way we can re fund it re funds barley every happen you have been warned.

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