• Welcome!

    Welcome to Urban Graphics. We are the cheapest GFX yet!. No we Are not free but we do try to keep are prices as low as possible!. I am the owner of Urban Graphics and at Urban Graphics if we will do what ever it takes so the customer is pleased even if it means telling them to go to a different shop for a better graphic type :D.

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Custom Penguin Page

Looking for custom penguins? Came to the right page!


Well are Custom Penguins Prices ranges for a basic Full on Custom Penguin It costs about 100 xats but the price lowers read below

For a custom penguin with 2 items : 20 xats

For a custom Penguin with 3 items: 30 xats

For a custom Penguin with 4 items: 40 xats

and so on and so on so each item is 10 xats but a full penguin costs more because there harder to make šŸ˜€ so fill out the forum bellow to get the order

  1. Cp name
  2. What would you like it to be wearing?
  3. Where can i meet you ?
  4. How many items would u like?
  5. What color

Happy ordering :mrgreen:



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